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Should I use the paid partnership label on Instagram?

Yes, you should. I see a lot of influencers and content creators not using the paid partnership label, and instead using a hashtag like #sponsored or #ad. I think some people think their audience doesn’t want them to advertise to them? But since I’m straight forward that this is a business account and not a hobby, I have no shame putting a paid partnership label on it. And I would rather be overly transparent about that than try to sneak it in or hide it in some way.

I worked hard for those deals and if someone in my audience doesn’t want me to advertise to them then they’re in the wrong audience. 🤣 I will only recommend products I love and trust so there is no reason to try and hide it. But I do get it… some people still view influencer marketing, affiliate marketing and other forms of entrepreneurial incomes in the same light that MLM’s have been viewed for so many years. I just think those people don’t need to be in your audience and they’ll weed themselves out.