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How do I get brand collaborations and partnerships?

I’m not an ambassador for them, although they do have an ambassador program. I am a long term paid partner. Their ambassadors do not receive monetary compensation so that was not going to be a good fit for our needs.

Any brand partner we establish is a result of networking in a variety of ways— in person events, through DM’s, cold emails, referrals, etc.. Lots of pitching yourself, showcasing your work through a media kit and examples and negotiating.

I highly encourage you to start charging for your services. Unfortunately, if you do it for free, this will make it more and more challenging for you and other content creators to get paid in the future. But YES, just sending emails and dm’s. You can totally do it! Set yourself a minimum buy in amount like $150 for people to work with you. In the long run, you’ll get more out of it because you will do less work for free and you’ll get better stuff too. Also important to note, even if you accept product for trade, you are legally obliged to to claim that as income on taxes— this is why I suggest setting yourself a bottom line. There is a time and place when trade is acceptable— for example your rv hosted stay— saves you the $ you’d spend on the site and likely the same cost of marketing services you’re delivering. But always consider that all trade should be value for value and in 2024– no one does anything that’s valued at under $150, at least, you shouldn’t be. Time is valuable!

Hi there! My name is Jessie. My husband Tyler and I, travel in our RV, sharing our travels on our Social media. We specialize in both content to promote on our social channels, as well as content for clients to use on their respective accounts. We have Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. We would love to see if you’re interested in collaborating with us. We would love to partner with you to showcase your ____ to our audience. Who would I reach out for in terms of influencer partnerships?

Thank you for your time, Jessie Then once you get an email, pitch your idea and send examples of similar content you’ve created in the past. I like to get the email and then send examples and my media kit with my insights but no pricing in the email. Depending on the client and the ask- offer a call. If it’s a simpler transactional situation and you’re not shooting for a long term partnership, I would send pricing after they respond to the first email, if it seems like the right time. And don’t give them a la carte pricing first- draft a proposal with 3 package options. If the prices are too high for them, then go to a la carte pricing sheet.