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About us

Tell me a little about your family, their names and a little about them

Trevor is a software engineer, and Lia is a stay at home mom to our four-year-old daughter Lennon, and our two pups, Banana Pig and Mango Salsa. We enjoy hiking, finding the best breweries, discovering new ways to improve our environmental impact, and cooking with new flavors and 100% plant-based recipes.

How long have you lived in an RV?

We moved into our RV in 2019, and started traveling full time in 2020. So that’s 3 years total, and 2 on the road.

What made you decide to live in an RV?

We chose this lifestyle because we knew we wanted to travel more. We started by researching #vanlife on Instagram, but quickly realized that would be a budget breaker. And then we stumbled upon #rvlife and we were sold.

We traded in a MINI Cooper and Mazda crossover SUV for a Dodge Ram 3500, bought a 36 ft. fifth wheel, and moved in a week later.

What is the make and model of your RV?

It’s a Keystone Sprinter Campfire Limited (31FWMB)

Are there any top 3-5 favorite memories or experiences you have had so far in this nomad lifestyle?

There have been SO many favorite memories!

We took a train ride to the Grand Canyon, and then hiked a few miles down into the canyon and passed a bighorn sheep grazing about 10 feet off the trail.

We hiked so many cool trails all along the Oregon coast. Our favorite was probably a trail called God’s Thumb near Lincoln City. You hike a super narrow path along a cliff, then up a steep little hill shaped like a thumb (hence the name). Once you’re at the top, you overlook the ocean a couple hundred feet in the air, and there was all this fog and ocean mist blowing in the air, and it was very ethereal and epic!

We really loved hiking in Sedona, and sipping coffee while overlooking the red rock cliffs.

We loved driving through Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah. It is 1.7 million acres, so we barely even scratched the surface of all the hiking and exploring it has to offer. But just driving through it was breathtaking, and we hiked a couple small slot canyons which were really cool.

We stayed a night at Porchvue Winery while utilizing Harvest Hosts recently in Pennsylvania, and got to hang out with 24 peacocks, 2 turkeys, and 2 beautiful heeler dogs while listening to live music and sampling wine.

What is your goal of content to share on IG with your community?

Our goal is to inspire others to find their Wild, no matter what that looks like. It might be moving into an RV like we did, or traveling part time, or just getting out and exploring your own back yard more often

Finding your Wild is all about authenticity. Maybe it’s someone challenging the “easy” life and making a few plant based meals every week, even if it’s just once a week. Maybe it’s someone doing 52 hikes in one year. It’s all preference. Each individual knows what that is for them, and they’re the only one that can find that.

The key to this, is for people to find their Wild NOW vs doing it later! Life’s too short to do good later. Do it now! Do it for you! Do it for our planet. We are happy to offer support and encouragement, and being inclusive of everyone taking this journey.

We are also passionate about sharing cruelty free products and foods, and finding ways to waste less and live more environmentally responsible. It makes us giddy whenever someone tells us that us sharing these items or ideas has inspired them.

Any time we can inspire anyone in any of these areas, we are ecstatic!

What are all your social media tags?





So you post a lot about being vegan. How long have you been vegan and where do you get your inspiration for meals?

We have been vegan for about a year and a half. We were gradually eating fewer and fewer animal products over the years and decided why not just go all the way?

To us making the change was easy because we already had an interest in sustainable living and Trevor’s body had also developed a reaction to red meat and other mammalian products. We believe he may have alpha gal syndrome (a tick-borne illness) but never moved forward with a blood test because since going vegan he hasn’t had a single reaction to food.

As for inspiration, first we mostly searched for vegan alternatives to recipes we already knew and loved. Things like nacho cheese and egg replacements were important for us. It turns out tofu makes a fabulous egg and cashew cheese is incredibly tasty when made from scratch.

We’ve also discovered a lot of new recipes by finding good vegan restaurants across the country and plant based food accounts on Instagram.

We are a big fan of using AnyList to save recipes. You can search for recipes all over the internet and save them into AnyList (and edit the recipe if you need to swap any ingredients for vegan alternatives). And it’s also our grocery list, so you can add ingredients to your list directly from your saved recipes.

Everyone wants to know how we Nomads make money on the road, so for inquiring enthusiasts, how would you say you fund your RV lifestyle?

Trevor still works full time from the road as a software engineer. This also provides our health and dental coverage which is key to keeping us on the road.

What would your kids say is their favorite thing about RV life?

Lennon was 1 and a half when we moved into the RV, so she hasn’t really known any other life. But she loves exploring new places. And she loves running into other kids at all the RV parks and making new friends everywhere she goes. Museums, libraries and national parks are her favorite things. She knows which ones to choose on a rainy day and if the sun is shining she requests to go hiking!

How do you find time/space for privacy and/or self care?

We adults both take one “night off” every week. When it’s your night off, your partner handles the chores for the evening like getting dinner ready, feeding the dogs, and putting Lennon to bed. And you get to do whatever you want for the night, like go to a movie, have a beer at a brewery, or just chill in the bedroom and read a book.

It has been a great way for us to reset and have a little time to yourself without feeling bad about it.

Where is your favorite place you have been already?

There are too many to choose. Yachats on the Oregon Coast, Sedona in Arizona, Monterey in California, the Grand Canyon, Grand Escalante in Utah, Beaufort area in South Carolina. All of the springs in Florida. Any state park in Virginia. The list goes on and on.

Biggest pro and con to living in an RV?

We love aaaaaaalmost everything about living in an RV and wouldn’t trade it for anything.

There are some things that are a bit more challenging logistically. Like maintaining a good internet connection for work, scheduling dentist appointments and veterinary checkups, getting packages and mail, and little things you wouldn’t really think about. But is it worth it? HELL YEAH!

What’s your future plans for your RV lifestyle? Places you plan on going in the next few months to a year.

We plan to continue traveling for the foreseeable future. In the next few months we’re heading to Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, the Carolinas, and down to Florida for a few months for the winter. We’ll be heading back toward the west coast next summer. We are looking forward to visiting friends and family and to empty our storage unit and eliminate that bill and commit to the road even longer.

Tell me about you, your family, and your fur babies

Trevor is a software engineer, and Lia is a stay at home mom to our four-year-old daughter Lennon, and our two pups, Banana Pig and Mango Salsa. We enjoy hiking, finding the best breweries, discovering new ways to improve our environmental impact, and cooking with new flavors and 100% plant-based recipes.

How long have you been RVing, and what made you choose this lifestyle?

We moved into our RV in 2019, and started traveling full time in 2020. We chose this lifestyle because we knew we wanted to travel more. We started by researching #vanlife on Instagram, but quickly realized that would be a budget breaker. And then we stumbled upon #rvlife and we were sold.

We traded in a MINI Cooper and Mazda crossover SUV for a Dodge Ram 3500, bought a Keystone Sprinter Campfire Limited (31FWMB), and moved in a week later.

What are four adjectives or phrases you would use to describe what Camp Better means to you?

  1. Be kind
  2. Slow down
  3. Save the earth
  4. Stay wild!

Are there any philanthropic causes you are passionate about and share with others while RVing?

Before hitting the road, we volunteered at the local Humane Society, Lia was an organizer for mental health awareness events, as well as the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Over the last two years, we have found it difficult to find volunteer opportunities available to travelers. So we have shifted our efforts to be more conscious about where we spend our money. We support companies who make efforts toward sustainability. It is important that the products we buy are cruelty free, and limit single use plastics. And we support entrepreneurial women and minorities.

We would love to be connected to more opportunities.

What is your favorite campsite secret or meal you like to share with others?

Our favorite thing we’ve realized is that there’s pretty much nothing we can’t cook in our RV. Our Sprinter also has a massive back window that makes it a great place to grow micro greens.

When you started this lifestyle, what was one thing you wished you knew?

That we should have started it 10 years earlier.